How Does it Work |
The Nominee Process |
All UK registered companies require a named person to act as director and disclose personal information; name, address, date of birth etc, for some individuals who need to keep their identity out of the public domain this could prove to be a problem when registering the company, and that’s where our services come into effect, we will appoint our named nominee director allowing you to maintain complete anonymity. |
Starting The Process |
To start the process complete the online form, pay our fee and if Foersters are registering your company the nominee will be added at that point, if you are registering the company though other sources then we will email the nominee details. Once the company is registered and due diligence confirmed (you have emailed your ID), we ask you to sign a deed of indemnity and then provide you with a power of attorney. |
Company Control |
The beneficial owner would retain complete control of the company through Power of Attorney which is a private agreement showing that you have control over the company's affairs and the normal director duties of the company. This ensures that the true owner of the company is empowered to run the business and manage the company's activities. The Nominee Director will also sign an undated letter of resignation that can be submitted on their behalf at any time you wish, which gives you the peace of mind that he can't act against you. |
Service Renewal |
At any point during the contractual term the beneficial owner can choose to terminate the nominee service and appoint alternative director(s). Should you choose to continue the nominee appointment on the anniversary of the service simply pay the renewal invoice and the service will continue for a further 12 months. |
Document Signing |
We make no charge for signing upto 6 basic documents per year though you are asked to cover postage costs, this usually entails you including a pre-paid envelope for return of the documents. We do make a small charge for for doument bundles, call or email our office for details. |
Legal Stuff |
NB: The above information is general and is intended as a summary only. Clients should seek further clarification if required before deciding if they wish to engage nominee directors. We expressly reserve the right to provide this service to anyone for any reason. We specifically will not provide this service to corporations with a payroll or who may have excise tax obligations. |
The Money Laundering Regulations came into force on the 1st March 2008 and place us (as well as any other person, firm or company who provides “by way of business…services in relation to the formation, operation or management of a company or a trust…”) under a lot more strict obligations concerning how and with whom we conduct our business. The practical effects are as follows:- |
For the provision of any or all Nominee Company Director, Secretary, shareholder. |
We will require the details and documentation listed below: |
Proof of ID - provided by the proprietor to the company (this can easily be obtained through your local post office). |
Proof of Address – Utility bill, bank statement etc |
Picture ID – Passport, Drivers licence etc |